Monday, September 19, 2022

Introducing my self

Hi everyone,Welcome to my blog,This blog is about my life i hope you enjoy,And before i start my blog let me introduce my self first.
I am Rowelyn joy Estrella Yagon, And just call me Lyn,Ging or joy for short, I am 17 years old and i'm turning 18th 4 months from now, i live in Purok San Roque Glan Padidu, I have 2 brothers and i am the only girl among my siblings, and i live in happy and simple family.

My favorite color is Black because every sucess start with the darkness,

And also i am an introvert person.My hobby in life is listening music,singing.
And i'm easily hurt when someone says something to me that i don't want to hear.

My Bestfriend

This is my friend Airen and Mercirose, they became my friends when we were still in grade 9, , I ate with them during lunch break, they understood my behavior and were with me for fun, When I have a problem they are always there for me, And they are my friends who are kind unlike others, They are also my friends who are helpful, kind to me, And I consider they are also my sisters. But right now we're only together once because we're not in the same class, But even so, I haven't forgotten them and I still treat them the same way, And I'm also thankful that they came to me, And with them I also experienced the same I haven't experienced it with others, I have made many friends but they are different from them and don't have the same attitude.

My favorite cousin

This is my favorite cousin, clear and princess, I can be with them in happiness and sadness, they are the ones who understand the behavior that I have, even though we fight sometimes, they are the ones who go along with my craziness,When we were sleep i'm with them,
but right now we're not together anymore because we went home, we'll miss each other sometimes but when I see our picture together it's like they're with me. and also I treat them like my own sister💖

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

My parents

When I was young my family and I, lived in a simple house that made of a bamboo and coconut wood and at that time we did not have electricity and were far from water,
when I was young, my parents sometimes did not have a good income because my father was addicted to drinking an alcohol and smoking and my mother was the only one who was looking for money to buy food and rice,
and when my father comes home  they are always fighting, and until my mother doesn't understand my father because sometimes when he loses himself, he hurts my mother and that's why my mother left him.

And the day came, dad was taken to the hospital because of his drinking and smoking, that's when he started to change, he stopped drinking an alcohol and smoke cegarets and he was helping mom to find money, and then I was so happy because dad changed a lot it's not the same as before who doesn't care about family.

And  I am thankfull and blessed that I had a mother who is kind and humble,because even though mom and dad had a problem, she did not leave us and she continues to take care,guide,and loved,and always looking for a money to buy food and Needs.

and of coursei'm so blessed that i have a father like him, even if he made mistakes in the past, we forgive him for his sin and even if he is like that, I'm not embarrass him in front of other people. Because he is always care my brother and also me,because my mother works at General santos city. He give us money to buy an important things and also to buy a food,And that's i'm so thankfull to have a father like him💖

My family reunion

and when I was 8 years old we had a family reunion I was happy because I was with my family and relatives and it was held at campugan beach we took a picture of the whole family and that's the reason why I was happy during that time because my family is complete and I see them smiling.And  I can be with my cousin laughing and taking pictures❤️

Introducing my self

Hi everyone,Welcome to my blog,This blog is about my life i hope you enjoy,And before i start my blog let me introduce my self first. ...